Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Water Water Everywhere...

Well as you all know by now, I am disabled and the cold wet weather really plays havoc with my condition. Having had a lovely couple of weeks weather wise, I was really starting to feel quite well and then the heavens opened this evening. I popped to the local shop and ended up soaking wet so was having a typically British whinge about the bad weather when I was severly told off by a random woman in the shop.

"We're having a water shortage don't you know and we need the rain" she states emphatically.

I really wasn't in the mood for a discussion, having only stopped in to get some tea and fags so just nodded and shuffled off home again. The thing is, it really bugs me.

We live on an island, with lots of rivers and a temporate climate, yet we regularly have problems with shortages of water, both domestic and industrial. Yet other European countries, landlocked and much warmer, don't seem to suffer the same issues. Why?

Why do we not invest in desalinisation? Why do we not upgrade/repair our ancient water systems? Why do we, the 'consumer' pay through the nose for water supplies and sewage removal only to be told we can't use the water as there isn't enough?

It's madness. The gutters near my house are literally overflowing with water right now but next week we'll be told "save water, don't use hosepipes, we're almost a desert".

It's another example of a privatised industry ripping off the public of our country. It's what happens when a government is more interested in money than the lives of the people it's meant to represent.

I could go on, but I'm cold and wet and desperately need a cup of tea......