Tuesday, 18 September 2012


No...nothing to do with Mr Einstein and his amazing theories. More to do with the fact that everyone's experiences, emotions and troubles are relative to them. Let me explain....

I'm in pain. A lot of pain. Every day. OK, I'm not dying. Fair enough, I'm generally in good health. Yeah, I know I'm not starving/in a drought/at war/oppressed. All that's well and and good but I'm still in pain. A lot of pain. Every day.

It doesn't matter how much I appreciate what other people are experiencing or how much sympathy I have for them. My experience is relative to me and my circumstances. Being understanding of other peoples plight doesn't alter the fact of my own suffering, however trivial it might seem.

Equally, when the other half comes home from work and has had a crap day, the fact that I'm in pain doesn't detract from the bad time he's having, even though he has sympathy for me. It's relative to him.

So where am I going with this? Well, I guess I'm saying that none of us has to be martyrs to our suffering, whatever form it takes, in case someone else is having a 'worse' time. It's ok to say "things are pretty shit at the moment" and be entitled to some understanding.

Oh, and on the subject of understanding....when someone is suffering it's not enough to say "I understand what you're going through" and assume that absolves you of responsibility. It's not enough to ask someone how they are and assume that just by asking you've done your duty. If someone is suffering, do something practical to help them. Even if it's just doing doing the washing up without being asked, or tidying up your own mess. Understanding is a wonderful thing but it means nothing if it's not backed up with some action.

So there we have it. I'm in a lot of pain, every day, and I'm entitled to express that and expect some help from those around me. It doesn't make me weak, it doesn't make me heartless, it just makes me human.

Oh and just for the record, Einstein rocks!

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